Monday 19 December 2011


At Image Control Photography, we love photographing churches, preferably with bride and grooms in. 

This is a collection of churches we have worked in or have visited recently. Some in England, some in Italy and Spain.

For more details of of our services please click the link to contact us.



Monday 12 December 2011

The Brides Mother....

We all think about the bride at weddings….However we can’t forget the bride’s mother.  This is Penny, and looked quite stunning. Far from being the dreaded Brides Mother, this lady was absolutely delightful.
For more details of what we do please click the link to contact us.
Image Control Photography

Saturday 10 December 2011

The Ye Olde Plough House, James & Katy’s wedding

Image Control Photography has carried out a lot of weddings this year, some in grand locations, and some in not so salubrious areas. However, James & Katy chose the lovely buildings and gardens at Ye Olde Plough House, Brentwood to tie the knot.  Here are just a few photographs of the beautifully manicured gardens

To check out our packages and prices please click the link to contact us.
Image Control Photography
Image Control Photography

Image Control Photography

Image Control Photography

Image Control Photography

Saturday 3 December 2011

Wow....What a church

As wedding photographers we see a lot of churches. Some big, some large. Some simple some grand. On a recent trip to Majorca we visited Palma Cathedral. 

As you can see from the photograph below…………it’s quite stunning.

To view our services, packages and prices please click the link to contact us.


Friday 2 December 2011

Wedding Photography…………….In Black & White with a splash of colour

One of our clients wanted a black & white photograph to suit his décor. However the photograph looked a little austere. We therefore kept the black & white theme, but brought the colour in his lapel flower back. Our clients were delighted….

For more details of our services, packages and prices please click the link to contact us.


Friday 18 November 2011

We don’t only take wedding photographs

As well as wedding photography we get asked to shoot portraiture, babies and pets. Babies and pets take great patients and dexterity as they don’t seem to understand the request “don’t move or smile” as you can imagine. But, that’s the fun of this kind of work……….

Meet Thomas & Mitsy. Two of the friendliest puppies I have ever me. Cute or What!!!!!! 
If you would  like to have your child or pet photographed please contact us through our website.

Image Control Photography

Thursday 10 November 2011

Image Control Photography Hold Prices for 2012

Image Control Photography are pleased to announce that their prices will be frozen until at least 2012.  We appreciate that wedding are expensive and therefore we wish to help couples as much as possible by holding any price increase until 2013.

For more details of our packages and prices please click the link to contact us.

Friday 4 November 2011

Graphistudio Wedding Books

Image Control Photography are now doing some great deals on Graphistudio wedding books.  Coming from just North of Venice, these books are amongst the best wedding books in the world. There is a choice of styles, paper and covers making these books adaptable to your very own requirement. Click on the link to find more details.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Meet the new Mr & Mrs Salvin

Image Control Photography was pleased to carry out the wedding photography for James and Katy.  I have put just one photograph up on the blog. More will follow in due course.  If you would like to find out what packages are available please contact us.

Image Control Photography

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Jim, Katy and the car...............

Image Control Photography carried out Jim & Katy's wedding photography on the 8th October. Jim also loves his cars as well. Jim was so pleased with the Trans Am he had just refurbished; the car was even invited to the wedding.   And I’m a jealous as hell….It’s one hell of a car…..  Just had to put this one on blog as I’m sure Jim would love to see it.  Send us an email for more details


Image Control Photography

Monday 10 October 2011

Jim & Katy

Image Control Photography was honoured to provide the photographic services for Jim & Kate on Saturday 8th October.  The weather was very cold, but at least the rain kept off until the evening.  The whole event passed off without a hitch.  We wish Jim & Katy all the best in the years to come.  I have only managed to edit the photograph below at the moment; however more will appear as soon as possible. Please contact us for more information about what we can do for you please click on the link

Monday 26 September 2011

The House Guest’s Bring the Babies

The recent photographs of the foxes have brought a lot of emails asking us to show some more of them.  Well, how can I refuse?  This is supposed to be a  wedding photography site but hey…..why not.  This weekend the foxes brought the children, 2 cubs. I have absolutely no idea how old they are, but I do remember them when they were around 9 inches tall.  Oh so sweet….

Do you think they will grow into their ears one day??? If you want to know more about the foxes, or even wedding photography please contact us.

Image Control Photography

Image Control Photography

Friday 23 September 2011

The Camera Doesn’t Lie !

The Camera Doesn’t Lie !  What Rubbish........

There has been a lot of comments on the  wedding photograph on the front page of our website.  It's quite dramatic.........
However, the photograph started out as something a little more insipid. The basic picture was taken at 20.00 in a cornfield on the Essex / Cambridgeshire boarder. It was a very dull and uninspiring evening.  I then enhanced the shy buy increasing the colour saturation.  I brightened the cornfield and enriched the golden brown colour of it. 
The brides dress looked dark and drab. I used the select tool in Photoshop to draw around the dress and brighten it to give the effect of the evening sky shining on it. I also lifted the groom by the same method.
Total working time was around 25 mins.  We like to give all our bride and grooms the best service we can and this sometimes mean working for hours on one photograph.  If you would like to see more about our photography services or packages please contact us.

The Photograph Before we worked on it

After we worked on it.

Thursday 22 September 2011

The Boss

Yes, I know this supposed to be a wedding photography blog site, but hey, we get a lot of emails asking to see more of the foxes. It seem as most of you are as potty about animals as we are.  And why not???

This photograph was taken last winter, it shows Mr Foxy laying on top of our garden shed waiting for us to come and feed him. Cold he may be. Stupid he is not.  Contact us for more details of our photography services,  be it weddings, foxes or just photography tips.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Would you tangle with him??????

A while back, after a day of editing wedding photographs, while enjoying a brandy the prettiest ever puss cat came into our garden. He gently came into the house for some food (cats know where to get a free meal from) while I grabbed my camera. This was the result.

OK, we love our animals, we also love wedding photography and do our best to provide you with the best packages we can. We will guide you through the pitfalls and make it a PURRRRRRRfect day for you.


Image Control Photography

Groom of the year.....possibly

Looking back on our wedding files I found this photograph of Lee, one of the Grooms we photographed last year. Although it started off a beautiful day, the wind gathered pace making for a very cold afternoon.  What I like about this photograph is Lee looked the picture of strength, elegance and confidence. We  advised him how to stand, and shot the photo very quickly. 

It's a part of our service to try and get the very best from our clients, which I think you would agree with me, we did for this particular photograph.

If we can be of any help to you in your choice of wedding photographers, please don't hesitate to contact us.



Image Control Photography

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Little & Large

Meet the cat that thinks it's a tiger. She swaggers like a tiger. Eats like a tiger, growls like a tiger (but a lot quieter) but is our little puss cat. She is 18 years old and owns us.

We at Image Control Photography love our animals as much as we love portrait, party and wedding photography or even taking photographs of your cars and boats.

We make wedding media shows as a part of our packages to give you something a little special, 
If you are interested in more tips about or details about our services please contact us via our contact page.

Image Control Photography

And here's what she wants to be like...............
Image Control Photography

What a Car...................

 At a recent wedding the bride & Groom hired a lovely 1956 Ford Mustang, Black and with the exhaust note very sexy. It positively growled at you.  You can’t just take a picture of this magnificent beast without doing a little bit more to it.  Below is the result.  The bride & Groom loved the photograph; I hope you do as well. This photograph was built into their wedding media show which reflected their whole day.

We can be contacted about our services via our contact page
Image Control Photography

Monday 19 September 2011

Sometimes, You Just Gotta Get Away

When all the photo editing is done, the weddings are completed and your shutter finger has got cramp, the wedding media shows are built…… just have to get away to the sun and a few days off. 

We went to Turkey and enjoyed the sun, the sea and doing NOTHING for a while. This is a VERY rare shot of Elaine and I...we always TAKE the photographs instead of appearing in them.

However, you can always contact us via our contact page as computers and  telephones can find us no matter what part of the world we.

Image Control Photography

Sunday 18 September 2011

Having dinner today, the house guest arrived on time.  He looked so pretty, we just had to give him a feed. Hmm wouldn't like to feel those teeth!!!!!

To view our wedding media shows, please click this link
If you are interested in more tips about photography, wedding photography or details about our services please contact us via our contact page.

Image Control Photography

Saturday 17 September 2011

The House Guest Comes Again................

I was picking grapes from the vine we have in our garden, having a break from editing some wedding photographs when a little reddish creature caught my eye.  Mr Foxy had come back to see us.  After giving Mr Foxy some cat food I took a few snaps of the lovely animal.  Please enjoy the photographs. Yes, I know their vermin….but  very pretty vermin. We love our animals, so I thought I would show them on our blog.

I hope you enjoy seeing these lovely animals, please let us know if you do.

To see more details about our packages, click this link.

Image Control Photography
Image Control Photography
Image Control Photography

Sunday 11 September 2011

Dawn Came Early...............................

It’s not often I go for nice walks at dawn, to busy working on the weddings we do……... However, my partner wanted to see what we could find if we go walking in the country side over the Bank Holiday. The photograph below was taken in Suffolk nearby Somerleyton Hall. 
If you are interested in more tips about photography, wedding photography or details about our services please contact us via our contact page.

To see more details about our packages, click this link.

Image Control Photography

Friday 9 September 2011

Lucinda & Scott

Image Control Photography were delighted to carry out the wedding photography for Lucinda & Scott on August 10th.
Scott and Lu are a delightful couple and we enjoyed working with them. Here are just a very few of their photographs
We specialise in wedding photography, if we can be of any assistance, please contact us via our contact page.

Our packages can be tailored  to include any special features as we try to go that extra mile for our clients
Image Control Photography
Image Control Photography
Image Control Photography
Image Control Photography
Image Control Photography
Image Control Photography
Image Control Photography
Image Control Photography
Image Control Photography
Image Control Photography
Image Control Photography

Sunday 28 August 2011

Some Weddings From The Past

Just looking back on some weddings we did last year, remembering what fun we had with the Bride & grooms.  Hope you enjoy looking at the photographs.

Image Control Photography
Image Control Photography

Image Control Photography

Image Control Photography

Image Control Photography

Image Control Photography

Image Control Photography

Image Control Photography

Image Control Photography

Image Control Photography

Image Control Photography

Image Control Photography

If you are interested in more tips about photography, wedding photography or details about our services please contact us via our contact page.
To see more details about our packages, click this link.

Please view our website regarding wedding photography, our wedding services or media shows.
