Monday 19 December 2011


At Image Control Photography, we love photographing churches, preferably with bride and grooms in. 

This is a collection of churches we have worked in or have visited recently. Some in England, some in Italy and Spain.

For more details of of our services please click the link to contact us.



Monday 12 December 2011

The Brides Mother....

We all think about the bride at weddings….However we can’t forget the bride’s mother.  This is Penny, and looked quite stunning. Far from being the dreaded Brides Mother, this lady was absolutely delightful.
For more details of what we do please click the link to contact us.
Image Control Photography

Saturday 10 December 2011

The Ye Olde Plough House, James & Katy’s wedding

Image Control Photography has carried out a lot of weddings this year, some in grand locations, and some in not so salubrious areas. However, James & Katy chose the lovely buildings and gardens at Ye Olde Plough House, Brentwood to tie the knot.  Here are just a few photographs of the beautifully manicured gardens

To check out our packages and prices please click the link to contact us.
Image Control Photography
Image Control Photography

Image Control Photography

Image Control Photography

Image Control Photography

Saturday 3 December 2011

Wow....What a church

As wedding photographers we see a lot of churches. Some big, some large. Some simple some grand. On a recent trip to Majorca we visited Palma Cathedral. 

As you can see from the photograph below…………it’s quite stunning.

To view our services, packages and prices please click the link to contact us.


Friday 2 December 2011

Wedding Photography…………….In Black & White with a splash of colour

One of our clients wanted a black & white photograph to suit his décor. However the photograph looked a little austere. We therefore kept the black & white theme, but brought the colour in his lapel flower back. Our clients were delighted….

For more details of our services, packages and prices please click the link to contact us.


Friday 18 November 2011

We don’t only take wedding photographs

As well as wedding photography we get asked to shoot portraiture, babies and pets. Babies and pets take great patients and dexterity as they don’t seem to understand the request “don’t move or smile” as you can imagine. But, that’s the fun of this kind of work……….

Meet Thomas & Mitsy. Two of the friendliest puppies I have ever me. Cute or What!!!!!! 
If you would  like to have your child or pet photographed please contact us through our website.

Image Control Photography

Thursday 10 November 2011

Image Control Photography Hold Prices for 2012

Image Control Photography are pleased to announce that their prices will be frozen until at least 2012.  We appreciate that wedding are expensive and therefore we wish to help couples as much as possible by holding any price increase until 2013.

For more details of our packages and prices please click the link to contact us.